


Drpy Project One-Click Repair (TV Box Source)

Cause of Failure in the Drpy Project by Daochang#

Recently, it was discovered that none of the drpy sources in the TVbox can be played. However, playing through the static interface or the local network interface of drpy directly is possible. Since I don't watch TV and my TV at home is basically collecting dust for 364 days a year, I also mostly watch SP sources for movies and TV shows. Therefore, I didn't pay much attention to the failure of a project.

A few days ago, I did some research and found out that Daochang's domestic mirror repository for drpy has been blocked. Previously, the automatic detection and upgrade of the drpy project version actually pulled from the domestic mirror repository. Now that it's blocked, it naturally won't detect upgrades anymore.

Therefore, the repository pull address needs to be replaced.

One-Click Fix for the Drpy Project by Daochang#

In fact, the change in automatically detecting version upgrades in the Daochang Drpy project is in the update.py file under utils. Simply replace it with the latest file from Daochang's GitHub repository.

Daochang has provided a more convenient method.
Enter the root directory of the drpy project in the container and execute the following code

cd utils && rm update.py && wget https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhnx/dr_py/main/utils/update.py

After executing, the docker project needs to be restarted;

The effect of automatic upgrade detection has been tested

Tested effect of playback in TVbox





New Repository for the drpy Project by Daochang#

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